The automation artist goonslayer has bought and repurposed an old adult themed website into an autonomous online gallery space where the artist is merely a systems administrator. This piece questions the nature of artistic expression and the role left for humans to play in art creation and curation. The viewer is enticed to upload new material and then contemplate its own uploaded input, becoming part of the ever-changing projected visual landscape of the show in which errors and process mistakes are celebrated as an integral part of the creation process.
The piece fetches random images periodically from a wide range of internet sources, and then starts a recycling process involving a randomized selection of filters and neural models before being stored. Inside the curation engine is autonomous but allows human intervention for moderation. It is able to identify faces/objects and uses a variety of machine learning techniques such as Style transfer. Ultimately the end result is displayed on the website itself and automatically sent to various social media outlets/bots. Overall the project represents an attempt to depict through senses the hidden beauty of the residual data noise of cyberspace.
→ Click here for the SFW version & Click here to access the new moodboard view.
status: online
uptime: 246067200
LoC: 34877